Vector Informatik GmbH

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Simplifying the Development of Automotive Electronics.
Vector is your competent partner for the development of automotive electronics – and has been for over 35 years. More than 4,500 employees support manufacturers and suppliers in the automotive industry and related sectors with a professional platform of tools, software components and services for the development of embedded systems. Driven by our passion for technology, we develop solutions that relieve engineers and software developers of their demanding tasks. Every day, Vectorians are not only working on the electronic technologies for tomorrow. We are also involved in education, research and social projects.

Unternehmenskultur bei Vector Informatik GmbH

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Ich bekomme die notwendigen Mittel und die Ausstattung, um meine Arbeit gut zu erledigen.
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Ich kann mir Zeit frei nehmen, wenn ich es für notwendig halte.
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